Unfortunately, a Learn Everywhere program is not available in your state.

Your state does have some limited options available for earning credit from out-of-classroom learning.

Unlike Learn Everywhere policies that allow for approved program providers to offer course credit, the programs listed below require the student to submit an application and complete specific program requirements. Students will need to contact their school district administrator in order to take advantage of this program(s).

Academic Credit for Out-of-Classroom Learning

Advanced Academic Credit

A district may grant academic credit to a pupil attending an accelerated or advanced academic course offered by a higher education institution or a nonprofit public agency, if the pupil successfully completes the course and passes an examination approved by the district. Credits earned count toward graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the district.

Experiential and Applied Learning Opportunities For Students

Experiential learning is the process of learning in a nontraditional setting through experience and then reflecting on the experience. Examples include work-based learning internships, job shadowing, mentorships, and apprenticeships. Districts offering experiential learning must adopt a plan that; defines the program and its structure; describes the enrollment process; identifies measures and processes for assessing, evaluating, and reporting on program efficacy and show student progress and outcomes. Academic credit may be granted based on the accountability measures set by the district.

Rigorous Course of Study; Waiver

The rigorous course of study waiver is an opportunity for students to be waived from specific academic standards required for graduation. The goal is to adhere to requirements for the student’s comprehensive education in all academic content standards while also providing reasonable flexibility so that students have the opportunity to participate in rigorous learning opportunities within or outside of the school curriculum. A student that receives a rigorous course of study waiver is not required to complete other requirements of the academic standards corresponding to that specific course of study.

Academic Credit for Community Service

A school board may offer a youth service program that provides students with opportunities to become involved in their community, develop individual capabilities, become active citizens, and address community needs through youth service. The board may award up to one credit, or the equivalent, toward graduation for a pupil who completes the youth service requirements of the district. Youth service projects include, but are not limited to; human services for the elderly; tutoring and mentoring; training for and providing emergency services; and service-learning programs.

To find out when Learn Everywhere programs may become available in your state, please complete the below form.